God Of War 3

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< God of War III

God of War III is an action-adventure hack and slash video game developed by Santa Monica Studio and published by Sony Computer Entertainment (SCE). Released for the PlayStation 3 (PS3) console on March 16, 2010, the game is the fifth installment in the God of War series, the seventh chronologically, and the sequel to 2007's God of War II.

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God of War III (God of War 3) Ingame. 2021-01-23 #9633. Available updates for BCES00510, latest patchset T2: - Update v01.03 (5.25 MB). For more God of War III coverage visit our God of War III Launch Center as well as the following guides: Trophy Guide (tips and tricks to achieve all the game’s trophies and ultimately the.

Blades of Exile
Claws of Hades
Nemean Cestus
Nemesis Whip
God Of War 3


You start out the game with the Blades of Athena from God of War II, but you won't have them for long. There are four main weapons in the game, each acquired at different times. Three of them are chain-based ones and one is a heavy melee weapon. You'll receive the weapons as part of the story and each can be upgraded four times to level five. Each level costs more orbs than the previous, and some weapons are more expensive to upgrade, even at the same level. While a certain weapon is equipped, your magic attack changes to suit the weapon.

Blades of Exile[edit]

This is the first weapon you receive in the beginning of the game, replacing the Blades of Athena. The magic associated with this weapon is Army of Sparta, which is a group of shielded warriors with spears that surround you and jab their spears outward at nearby enemies.

  • Level 1: The starting level, with Army of Sparta magic and Argo's Return.
  • Level 2 – 4,000 orbs: The second level gives you increased damage and Argo's Ram.
  • Level 3 – 7,000 orbs: Your magic is upgraded to Army of Sparty Lv. 2 at this level.
  • Level 4 – 8,000 orbs: This level increases the damage of the Blades and gives you Argo's Rise.
  • Level 5 – 10,000 orbs: At the final level to max the Blades of Exile, you'll receive increased damage and fully upgrade Army of Sparta to level three.
1Plume of PrometheusA quick and powerful combo ending in a fiery finish.
1Olympic FuryA quick combo that hits all surrounding enemies.
1Olympic AscensionHold Launch enemies into the air and keep holding jump up after them.
1Hyperion Ram()+Pull yourself towards an enemy, ramming them and launching them backwards.
2Cyclone of Chaos()+Rapidly swing your blades, hitting all surrounding enemies multiple times.
2Spirit of HerculesA powerful but slow multiple hit combo with an explosive finish that launches enemies into the air.
3Valor of HerculesA powerful but slow multiple hit combo that sends enemies flying back.
3Hyperion FuryHold Slam into an enemy and deliver a devastating combo.
3Athena's Wrath (Evading) then While evading, press to create an explosive wave along the ground, launching enemies in front of you into the air.
4Cyclone of Chaos Lv. 2+Like the first Cyclone of Chaos, but now you can tap to keep swinging your blades.
4Tartarus Rage()+A very powerful, fairly quick attack.
5Tartarus Rage Lv. 2()+Hold Hold and release to charge the attack.

Claws of Hades[edit]

The Claws of Hades are taken from Hades, god of the underworld. These blades will attach to the enemies' souls. They are much like the Blades of Exile, with slightly longer range for light attacks and a slightly elevated hitbox. You'll find that this weapon isn't very good for breaking jugs and crates to get red orbs, as it often hits too high above them.

The magic you'll get with this weapon is Soul Summon, which summons a monster's soul to attack your enemies. Leveling up the weapon will give you access to more souls, and they all act somewhat differently. You'll want to face Kratos in the direction of the enemy when summoning most souls, as the ones that move to an enemy seem to go almost directly out in a straight line in front of you.

  • Level 1: At the starting level, the Claws of Hades will only allow you to perform Argo's Return and you'll have access to the following souls: Cerberus Mongrel, Olympus Sentry and Olympus Archer.
  • Level 2 – 3,000 orbs: This level gives you increased damage and Argo's Ram.
  • Level 3 – 5,000 orbs: This level increases damage and upgrades your magic to Soul Summon Lv. 2, adding Chimera, Gorgon Serpent and Olympus Fiend to your menagerie.
  • Level 4 – 6,000 orbs: At level four you get increased damage and Argo's Rise.
  • Level 5 – 9,000 orbs: Along with increased damage, maxing this weapon out gives you Soul Summon Lv. 3, which unlocks the souls of the Cyclops Berserker, Centaur General and Siren Seductress.
1Hades AgonyA quick combo that hits all surrounding enemies.
1Hades CurseA powerful but slow multiple hit combo with an explosive finish that launches enemies into the air.
1Hades AscensionHold Launch enemies into the air, then keep holding it to jump up after them.
1Soul Rip()+Rip a demonic soul from your enemy that will viciously attack those nearby.
2Tormenting Lash()+In a deadly frenzy, whirl the Claws at surrounding enemies multiple times.
3Mourner's LamentHold A vicious multiple hit attack that slams an enemy to the ground.
3Hades Bane (Evading) then While evading, press to attack with a powerful overhead slam.
4Unending Sorrow()+Summon your Claws up from the ground, or slam them into the ground if airborne, and launch your enemies into the air.

Nemean Cestus[edit]

These Cestus, taken from your brother Hercules are the strongest weapon in the game. The trade-off is that you have to be right in close with them. This is also the only weapon that can break onyx in the game, so whenever you see the glassy, blue crystals, make sure to switch to this weapon if you're not already using it to break them. This includes the Olympus Guardians and Sentinels, who use onyx shields to attack you.

Another plus to using the Cestus is it increases visibility during fights in comparison to the other weapons made from chains that leave big, fiery arcs all over the field of view. On harder difficulties where it's more important that you know when an enemy is attacking so you can block or use Argo's Ram, the Cestus' lower profile is very advantageous.

The Nemean Cestus uses the Nemean Roar for its magic. For this attack, you'll pound the ground in front of you, causing massive damage and knockdown in front of you. Although still quite useful when surrounded by enemies, this magic is only better than the Claw's, so you might want to switch to the Blades or Whip if you plan on using a lot of magic for a certain encounter.

  • Level 1: You start out with a bunch of moves, Argo's Return and Nemean Roar Lv. 1.
  • Level 2 – 3,000 orbs: This level gives you increased damage and Argo's Ram.
  • Level 3 – 5,000 orbs: You'll get Nemean Roar Lv. 2, another combo and increased damage at this level.
  • Level 4 – 5,000 orbs: One new move and increased damage.
  • Level 5 – 8,000 orbs: No new combos when you max your Cestus, you'll get the third and final level of Nemean Roar along with increased damage.
1Triumphant LaborA quick combo of punches ending in a powerful dash.
1Erymanthion RageA powerful but slow multiple hit combo with an explosive finish that launches enemies into the air.
1Augean Stampede() Hold Rush forward on the ground, then viciously pummel an enemy either on the ground or in the air.
1Brutal AscensionHold Launch enemies and jump into the air.
1Ferocious Bite()+Pull an enemy to you and send them flying back with a powerful blow.
2Vicious Maul()+Rapidly swing your Cestus, hitting all surrounding enemies multiple times.
3Savage Charge (Evading) then While evading, press to launch the cestus forward, hitting all in your path.
4Crushing Strike()+On the ground, slam your Cestus together, crushing all in your way. In the air, slam into the ground with an explosive finish, launching enemies into the air.

Nemesis Whip[edit]

The Nemesis Whip is much like the other chain weapons, except it is infused with Hephaestus' energy and has three blades on the end instead of one. Its range is less than the other blades and it hits lower. Instead of multiple combos when you hold down the attack buttons, you'll stand with one of the Whips outstretched, frying any nearby enemies in range. You get this weapon fairly late in the game, and aside from the one time you have to use it for a puzzle immediately after obtaining it, there's not much reason to switch from the Blades or Cestus.

God Of War 3 Release Date

In the Whip's favor, it has the best magical attack, Nemesis Rage, which consists of a chain of energy linking all the enemies and doing damage and stun. It's slightly better than the powerful Army of Sparta, as you can have freedom of movement while you're using it; just hit and you can move around an use other attacks while it's going.

  • Level 1: You start out with a bunch of moves, Argo's Return and Nemesis Rage Lv. 1.
  • Level 2 – 3,000 orbs: This level gives you increased damage and Argo's Ram, as well as increased Righteous Tirade and Ascension duration.
  • Level 3 – 5,000 orbs: Nemesis Rage Lv. 2 and increased damage, along with a new move and longer duration for Righteous Tirade and Ascension.
  • Level 4 – 5,000 orbs: Increased damage, longer attack duration for Righteous Tirade and Ascension, and your last move.
  • Level 5 – 8,000 orbs: No extra combos, but you max out Nemesis Rage and your Righteous Tirade and Ascension duration, as well as get increased damage.

God Of War 3 Remastered Walkthrough

1Furious ContemptA quick combo that hits all surrounding enemies.
1Harsh PenanceA multiple hit combo that launches enemies and yourself into the air.
1Righteous TiradeHold Spins the blades of the Whip, either by itself or at the end of a combo.
1Righteous AscensionHold Launch an enemy into the air and spin the blades of the Whip, either by itself or at the end of a combo.
1Surging Lash()+Whip an enemy, delivering a deadly shock.
2Sever Judgment()+Lash the Whips into enemies and launch them into the air.
3Avenging Strike (Evading) then While evading, press to deliver a powerful blow.
4Deadly Reprisal()+On the ground, leap forward, Whips first, hitting all enemies in your path. In the air, rapidly swing your Whips, hitting all surrounding enemies.
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